
Prikaz objav, dodanih na februar, 2009

(Dodana) vrednost ali zakaj nam je Bog dal možgane

Sva gledala s svojo drago National Geographic včeraj in sicer "Deadliest animals in India". In ugotovila, da ima neko manjše mestece v Indiji 18 mio prebivalcev. Kul, a ne? Devet Slovenij. Mi pa se gremo politike, filmske zvezde, kmetovalce,... Vse. Še bolj kul. Pa me vpraša draga, zakaj nam je Bog dal možgane. Zakaj nam je Bog dal možgane? Hja. Kot navadno sem takoj zagrabil in kot najbolj pameten samec takrat v sobi, no ja če ne štejem naše Nimfe, skočim in zagrabim kost. Pametujem, da smo res smešni, ker se zavedamo, da smo zavedna bitja. Klobasam vse polno visokozvenečih dokazov, razlag in teorij, nakar se zalotim. Pravzaprav me je zalotil Jaki, to je ta naša nimfa, ko se je začel razburjati še on. Bilo me je sram. Sram, da sem zadnje čase nemočen. In pol klobasam. Zakaj? Ker sem razočaran nad nami. S temi možgani nekateri ustvarjajo tako lepe stvari, nekateri pa služijo(mo) plačo z dodano vrednostjo, čeprav nič ne ustvarjamo. Kupimo za 80, prodamo za 100. No, saj še zrav...

Wrong (Depeche Mode)

I was born with the wrong sign In the wrong house With the wrong ascendancy I took the wrong road That led to the wrong tendencies I was in the wrong place at the wrong time For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme On the wrong day of the wrong week I used the wrong method with the wrong technique Wrong Wrong There’s something wrong with me Cannot be something wrong with me Inherently The wrong mix in the wrong jeans I reached the wrong ends by the wrong means It was the wrong plan In the wrong hands With the wrong theory for the wrong man The wrong lies, on the wrong vibes The wrong questions with the wrong replies Wrong Wrong I was marching to the wrong drum With the wrong scum Pissing out the wrong energy Using all the wrong lines And the wrong signs With the wrong intensity I was on the wrong page of the wrong book With the wrong rendition of the wrong hook Made the wrong move, every wrong night With the wrong tune played till it sounded right yeah Wrong Wrong Too long Wrong (bis) ...